The purpose of this document is to detail the process of installing and using Sangoma Phone on PC or MAC. In this document, the PC version of the application is used to provide instruction.
- Sangoma Phone can be downloaded at the following links:
If there are any questions on the software versions, please contact LOOP Support at
- Once downloaded, locate the file in the downloads folder and double click to start the process.
- The login screen will display once the install is complete
- User credentials will be provided by LOOP support.
- Host:
- Username / Extension: 5000
- Password: 1111 – this is set by default and can be updated
- Click login once the above fields have been filled out
Home Screen:
- Once logged in, users will have the following features available:
- Initiating or receiving calls
- Voicemail access
- Contacts access
Initiating calls:
- To initiate a call, a user can click or type out a number on the dial pad under the dialpad icon, or select a number to dial a number from their recent calls by selecting the history icon
- Users will also be able to search through their available contacts to initiate a call
- Once the number has been dialed, press enter or left click the handset icon below the dial pad
Receiving Calls:
- To answer a call, simply press the green phone handset that pops up above the dial pad when the application notifies you of an incoming call
In Call Features:
While on a call, users will have access to the following in call features.
- Hold (Pause Icon): The hold feature allows a user to work on an issue or answer a question without the caller hearing the user. Hold Music plays for the caller while this feature is active.
- Transfer (Dual Handset Icon): The transfer feature allows a user to send a caller directly to another extension. The Sangoma Phone application supports only blind call transfers.
- Merge (Two line Arrow Icon): This feature allows you to merge an on hold call with an active call to create a three way “conference” call.
- Hangup(Red Handset Icon): This disconnects the user’s current call
- To access voicemail, click on the voicemail icon above the keypad. If a new voicemail is present, a red dot indicator will be above the voicemail icon.
- To listen to the voicemail, click on the voicemail entry and then click “play”.
- To delete the voicemail, click on the voicemail entry, click the more Icon (3 vertical dots) and click delete
- Users can search through LOOP added contacts by using the text box below the Contacts tab.
- If additional contacts need added, please contact support at